So, after watching the episode of The Biggest Loser where they contestants ran a half-marathon as the challenge, I thought to myself, "If they can do that, I certainly can." It became my goal. Of course, I thought I'd work up to it, so the last couple of weeks I've been running longer know, like 5-7 miles. Just about once a week...outside. On the colder days I've stayed in the gym and ran my usual 3 miles.
Well, yesterday I decided that I was going to run 10 miles. Because I'm too lazy to actually plan a 10 mile route, I just run around the track at the Orem hospital, that Ive been told is a mile plus...I'm going to figure out exactly how long it actually is today (hopefully). Can I just tell you that running that track 10 times was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done?!? (Physically...that is.)
Ironically, it was the 9th time around that was the hardest! I wanted to cry, I'm not even joking. I seriously wanted to give up...but then as I neared my starting point I thought, "I only have one more time to go around to make 10. Are you really going to quit so close to accomplishing your goal for today?" My stubbornness kicked in, and I ran the last lap.
I think I must be getting old, because my knees are killing me today! I can hardly walk. Well, ok that's not really true, but it does hurt. I must commend those of you that have ever done long distance running like that. It's not easy. Yes, I still plan on running a half marathon and eventually a marathon. That is one of my life goals. I am pretty proud of finishing my goal yesterday. It feels like quite an accomplishment. Yay for me!