Thursday, November 6, 2008

Winter is Here

Yesterday morning I actually had to brush the snow of my car before I could go to work. I know, it was a sad day. At least there was no ice-scraping involved. I would have been late for sure. Although there are some good things about the winter, it's still kind of depressing. It's so cold! It feels like I'll never be warm again. *sigh* I guess it's my own fault for living here. I'm old enough now that I could move out and far away from home if I really wanted to. Guess I shouldn't complain any more.


MaryAnn said...

You should seriously consider moving to Las Vegas after you graduate - they are always looking for teachers. It has gotten "cold" here which means highs in the 60's. I love Las Vegas winter.

Grammyzanne said...

Consider San Antonio - Teachers are paid much better than Utah, the San Antonio weather will keep you warm. Besides we need a representative of the Carter family in SA. I'm sitting here with open windows.

liesel said...

I'm with you. I don't think it would be so depressing except it was SO NICE a mere week ago! I'm just not ready for it to be winter quite YET.

Lynda/Mom said...

And, according to the forecast, it will be nice again soon. But I know what you mean--I view winter with stinkeye, though mine isn't as good as Lizzy's. I can enjoy it until after Christmas; then I'm finished. You could just visit Vegas--winter is a great time to do that. Aunt Lynda

Dennis Carter said...

Hey Di you think Utah winters are cold? Try moving to Minnesota! I think you should stick around. This is a great place. We actually have 4 real seasons without having winters that are really killer. Check out my autumn leaf pictures if you need a reminder.

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Colorado Spings' winters are slightly better than Utah, and I will eventually be back there. I have been sad seeing those Utah snow pictures and realizing this may be my first winter without snow. You just need your own house and an attached garage, than there is less window scraping.

MaryAnn said...

I'm totally pushing for Las Vegas. I need company here since I am probably going to be here for the rest of my life - or at least until Tim retires. Don't you want to come keep me company?