Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime

There are some things that I really love about the summertime, and I thought I would share those with you.
  • Not working 40+ hours each week
  • Hanging clean laundry on the line: I think this is an acquired taste like corn tortillas with melted cheese and pickle on it. I love the crunchiness of towels and jeans after they have been line-dried. And they smell so good.
  • Summer rain storms. The smell...the warm puddles to jump in. Good stuff.
  • Driving with the windows down: you can't do this when it's too hot though. It's more of an evening or morning activity.
  • Ultimate Frisbee. So much fun! If you're in town and want to join in a game, we play twice a week. Just let me know :)
  • Running outside. I haven't done enough of this so far. Also this has to be a morning or evening activity.
  • Sleeping in
  • Snowie shacks: I've always loved a good snowie. Add some cream on there and it is even better. Also a good way to make a fat-free snack not so fat-free. If you haven't tried it though, you need to. Tiger's blood with cream (or ice-cream). Yum!
  • Popsicles. One is definitely not enough. I love the giant otter pop types at Wal-Mart and I always eat at least two, maybe more at one time. Twin-pops are also good, classic. And I love a Big Stick, it's a yellow-orange swirled dream-come-true.
  • Summer school. It's great to finish a class in half the time. Stressful, yes, but worth it.
  • Swimming! Fortunately both my brothers live in condo neighborhoods that have swimming pools, so this activity is free to me. Here's a hint (for the girls reading this): being comfortable in a swimsuit has less to do with how you feel about your body, and more to do with finding a great swimsuit. It might cost more, but it's worth it to feel cute in a swimming suit.
  • BBQs. Grilled hot dogs are good.
  • Outdoor movies
  • Indoor movies. Not as fun as outdoor movies, but there are always great movies that come out during the summer.
I may have missed some of my favorite things, but still, a pretty good list. I hope that you've been enjoying your summer as much as I have been enjoying mine. Take time to appreciate the small things. Life is good!


Lynda/Mom said...

Wow! After a huge dearth, two posts in quick succession is quite a feat, Diana. Nice to hear from you. I like your list. I remember wandering around Provo after dark, and one night in particular checking out the mental institution grounds after midnight and actually getting scared. Aunt Lynda

D. said...

Lol! Aunt Lynda, I really appreciate you leaving your comments. I love to get comments!

Laura Stringham said...

I share all your summer loves. Especially the popsicles. Have you tried the Pace bars? They make them in bountiful and you can get them at Walmart and Maceys up here at least. They are delectable.

Shamelessly said...

Summer Loves:
Cute shades
Flip Flops
Summer nights
So much to do!

What I Can Do Without:
Hair part burns
and I sure have to shave my legs a lot more, but I think I can deal with it!!