Friday, May 15, 2009

To sum up...

I can't believe how fast/slow this week has been. It was dragging at first, but now as I look back it went fast. Do you realize that I'm getting married in just over a week??? That's weird. But, it still seems unreal to me, so I'm good.

So, Ron did not win the biggest loser...or the at home loser, if any of you thought he actually could. His son didn't win either. It was a surprise victory by Helen...well, sort of a surprise. I always thought she could win. I think the only person who was surprised was Tara. Guess you can win as many challenges as you want, but you didn't have what it took to win the whole thing. I just think it is unreal that Helen lost 54% of her body weight and now weighs 117. Yikes. She's a skinny old lady, that's for sure. Well, she's not too old. And the at home loser, Jerry. He lost a lot too like 45% or something. He looks like a turtle, I think.

As predicted Joelle lost hardly any weight and David lost even less. It was an entertaining season. But I think I might have to give up the show. We'll see. I'm sure I'll get sucked in during the fall. It does make me want to go for a run. Too bad I have to work for five more hours....


arly said...

Yay for getting married. That's wonderful. We got your very cute announcement this week.

I sort of wanted Tara to win, but Helen did a great job. I think it's sad for the ones who weren't able to make a big change when they had that opportunity.

I missed a lot of shows during the season. But I did watch the marathon one, and almost started crying because I was so jealous. Anyways. Wishing you the best this week!

MaryAnn said...

I was a little surprised that Helen won just because Mike got so skinny and he had been sooo big to begin with - I thought he would take it. I am glad that Ron did not win anything and I was glad that Jerry did.

I think that you will find that this last week will go pretty fast.

Did you get that watch? Do you like it?

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I was guessing, after seeing them, that Helen would take it. In fact, I told my step-mother-in-law that when she called near the end of the show. Helen was too skinny at the end, she needs to gain back about 20 pounds. I actually really don't like Helen, maybe even worse than Ron, so I was cheering for either Mike or Tara. Oh well, such as it is...I don't know that I will be watching this Fall, and will have to check your blog to see what the season is like. See you soon!

Lynda/Mom said...

Not a viewer. I guess I would like to be any kind of a loser when it comes to weight. Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend. Aunt Lynda